Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day #1 - Arrivée à Paris

First leg of the trip accomplished, I arrived in Paris safe and sound. However, backpacking was not made for short people! While I was packing last night I decided to remove some things because I thought I might have more weight than I am allowed to take. Well, let's say that I am quite far from that. My backpack weighs 14Kg, yeah I am only taking 10Kgs of clothes with me for a 3 weeks trip (the other 4kg are the children books that I am giving to the hospital). And thank God that I had the brilliant idea of removing weight because the backpack is so heavy but so heavy!! that if I add 2Kg more I won't be able to stand on my feet. And every time I have to go up stairs I feel like I am 150Kg heavier as the weight of the backpack seems to drag me back down the stairs - I never thought that I needed to do special work out to carry a backpack... to be honest I never really thought of how it feels to carry 14Kg on your back. Now I know it is dam' hard!! And not enough that the backpack is so heavy, it is also massive, I feel like a snail with all my house on my back and I always have the fear of falling back - if that happens I will look like a turtle because I won't be able to turn and bring myself up. And by the way, if you travel with a massive back pack and then you have a small back pack as hand-luggage how do you carry both?? Oh so many questions!!!  

I guess I should have tried to carry my bag before today but that for me it is going too far in the organization/preparation side!! 

Once I got rid of the massive backpack, meaning checked my luggage I went to the designated gate to board and I see this guy queuing ahead of me, and he is massive... and when I say massive I mean in both ways, vertically and horizontally. I check my ticket and I realize that I have a B seat, so it means no aisle, no window I am seating in the middle and guess who is next to me?? exactly, the massive guy from the queue!! Lucky I am this small otherwise we would have shared a lot more of the "same space".

Day 1 done, now it's time for family and relax a little in Paris city.

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