Monday, April 06, 2015

Day #9 - Teaching and Street Food

Community class 
Today I had my first full day of volunteering work. I started in the morning with Community classes. In these classes we have the university students that want to learn English but can't afford to pay the classes.

I started the class by introducing myself and as I mentioned before once I say what my job is I cannot not spend 30 minutes talking about chocolate. They wanted to know how to make chocolate and I think I managed to explain in the most simple way possible. They were so excited that when I said that my first job was in coffee, they also wanted to know everything about coffee and here when they learned that Vietnam was the first country to export coffee they felt very proud. They also have good coffee here.

After talking about me, chocolate and coffee we started the class with theme traveling. It was very good and I had lots of fun. Hopefully the students from tomorrow will enjoy as much as the ones today. As part of one task they had to create a "bucket list" and one of them just wrote "pretty wife", I thought it was fair, who wouldn't want that?!

Afternoon I went to the hospital again and played with the children. In the beginning is always hard to get their attention and will but with time we manage to lure them to participate in the activities. Boh was there again and we made a face mask together. But today there was this little girl, she must be 3 years old and she wouldn't say a word or give a smile. I tried everything I could without being able to say a word i Vietnamese until I think she gave me a smile... I think, I am still not sure about it.
Enjoying Vietnamese Street food

The day ended having Vietnamese street food (they say!), Vietnamese pasta and pizza, all very delicious, however I only had a tiny bit. I am not feeling great - my belly is not right!! It was something I ate but I am not stopping eating...  food is just sooo good. I am just going to lay on my bed and sleep! Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better. I so much hope so! 

Today is short, I am just not feeling very well.

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